3's Cuevas

10m.-18m. / 33ft.-60ft. in depth, 5 minutes boat ride from the resort. Cathedral is check out dive for most open water student divers , the dive here done usually by returning to the boat, with slight to moderate current  often south bound but switches direction occasionally. Visibility varies from 10m.-20m./33ft.-66ft. It has under water artificial land marks like castle and the famous cross that named it cathedral, this cross made out of concrete cement and  was installed by  former Philippine president Fidel V. Ramos, when he was then a Constabulary chief, the shallow area is abundance in hard corals with sandy bottom on the way to the cross. The two big rocks lay underwater at 18m./60ft. and coated with soft corals, big sea fans and lots of fish, sometimes octopus, green turtle, giant black frog fish and marble sting ray can be encounter.