

Cathedral Rock, also known as The Cathedral, is one of the most famous dive sites in Mabini, Batangas, Philippines. Here’s a detailed overview of this popular diving destination:

  • Geography: Cathedral Rock is located off the coast of Bagalangit, Mabini, within the province of Batangas. It's part of the well-known diving area of Anilao.

  • Access: The dive site is easily accessible by boat from various dive resorts in Anilao and nearby areas. The boat ride usually takes around 10-15 minutes.

Dive Profile

  • Depth: The site ranges from shallow waters at around 12 meters (40 feet) to deeper sections going down to 30 meters (100 feet), catering to different levels of diving expertise.

  • Terrain: The main feature of the site is two large underwater rock formations connected by a cross, which was placed there by divers. This structure resembles a cathedral, hence the name.

Marine Life

  • Biodiversity: Cathedral Rock is renowned for its vibrant marine biodiversity. Divers can expect to see a wide variety of fish species, both large and small, as well as numerous invertebrates.

  • Corals: The site features healthy coral reefs, including a mix of hard and soft corals, providing habitat for a diverse array of marine life.
  • Highlights: Notable marine creatures frequently seen at Cathedral Rock include:


    • Cross made of concrete

    • Mini Castle made of precast

    • Schools of snappers, jacks, surgeonfish, and fusiliers

    • Frogfish
    • Moray eels
    • Lionfish
    • Nudibranchs
    • Sea turtles
    • Occasional sightings of sharks and rays

Dive Conditions

  • Visibility: Visibility can range from 10 to 30 meters (33 to 100 feet), depending on the season and weather conditions.

  • Current: Currents can vary from mild to moderate, making it accessible to most divers. However, it's always good to check conditions before diving.
  • Water Temperature: The water temperature typically ranges from 26°C to 30°C (79°F to 86°F) throughout the year.

Best Time to Dive

  • Season: The best time to dive at Cathedral Rock is during the dry season, from November to May. This period usually offers calmer seas and better visibility.

  • Weather: Diving is possible year-round, but the rainy season (June to October) can bring rougher seas and decreased visibility.

Safety and Recommendations

  • Experience Level: The site is suitable for divers of all levels, though beginners should dive with a guide due to the varying depths and occasional currents.

  • Guided Dives: Diving with a local operator is recommended, as they can provide important safety information and enhance the diving experience with their knowledge of the site.
  • Conservation: Divers are encouraged to follow responsible diving practices, such as not touching or disturbing marine life and corals, to help preserve the underwater environment.

Unique Features

  • Underwater Cross: The cross at Cathedral Rock is a significant landmark and a popular spot for underwater photography. It was originally placed there by former Philippine President Fidel V. Ramos.

  • Fish Feeding: Some dive operators organize controlled fish feeding at the site, which can attract a large number of fish and create a spectacular underwater display.

Cathedral Rock is a must-visit dive site in Mabini, Batangas, offering stunning underwater landscapes, abundant marine life, and a unique diving experience. Whether you are a novice or an experienced diver, the site provides an opportunity to explore one of the best underwater environments in the Philippines.