Kirby's Rock



  • Geography: Kirby's Rock is situated near Maricaban Island, which is part of Tingloy, Batangas. The site is in the vicinity of the popular diving destination, Anilao.

  • Access: The dive site is accessible by boat from various dive resorts in Anilao and from the mainland in Batangas. The boat ride typically takes about 20-30 minutes, depending on the departure point.

Dive Profile

  • Depth: The dive site features a range of depths, typically from around 5 meters (16 feet) to over 30 meters (100 feet). This makes it suitable for divers of different experience levels, from beginners to advanced.

  • Terrain: The site is named after a prominent underwater rock formation. The terrain includes rocky outcrops, coral reefs, and sandy bottoms.

Marine Life

  • Biodiversity: Kirby's Rock is known for its rich marine biodiversity. Divers can expect to see a variety of reef fish, nudibranchs, moray eels, and occasional pelagic species.

  • Corals: The site boasts healthy coral formations, including both hard and soft corals. These corals provide habitat and shelter for many marine creatures.
  • Highlights: Some of the notable species that divers often encounter include:


    • Yellow Sea Cucumber

    • Rare Nudibranchs

    • Frogfish

    • Angelfish

    • Scorpionfish

    • Pufferfish

    • Sea turtles

    • Various species of crustaceans and invertebrates

Dive Conditions

  • Visibility: Visibility at Kirby's Rock can range from 10 to 30 meters (33 to 100 feet), depending on the season and weather conditions.

  • Current: Currents at the site can vary from mild to strong. It’s important for divers to be aware of current conditions and plan their dives accordingly.
  • Water Temperature: The water temperature typically ranges from 26°C to 30°C (79°F to 86°F) year-round, making it a comfortable diving environment.

Best Time to Dive

  • Season: The best time to dive at Kirby's Rock is during the dry season, which runs from November to May. During this period, the seas are calmer, and visibility is generally better.

  • Weather: While diving is possible year-round, the rainy season (June to October) can bring rougher seas and reduced visibility.

Safety and Recommendations

  • Experience Level: The site is suitable for divers of all experience levels, though novice divers should dive with a guide due to potential currents and varying depths.

  • Guided Dives: It’s recommended to dive with a local dive operator who is familiar with the site and can provide valuable insights and ensure safety.
  • Conservation: Divers are encouraged to practice responsible diving, avoid touching corals, and respect marine life to help preserve the underwater ecosystem.

Kirby's Rock is a hidden gem in the diving community of Batangas, offering stunning underwater scenery and a diverse array of marine life. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced diver, this site provides an enjoyable and memorable diving experience.