
Koala is a popular dive site located near Mabini, Batangas, within the famous Anilao diving area. Here’s a detailed overview of what to expect when diving at Koala:

  • Geography: Koala is located off the coast of Mabini in Batangas, which is part of the Coral Triangle, renowned for its rich marine biodiversity. It’s easily accessible from various dive resorts in Anilao.

  • Access: The dive site can be reached by a short boat ride, typically taking around 10-15 minutes from most nearby resorts.

Dive Profile

  • Depth: The site features a range of depths from shallow waters around 5 meters (16 feet) to deeper sections reaching up to 30 meters (100 feet). This variety makes it suitable for divers of different experience levels.

  • Terrain: Koala is known for its sandy slopes, coral reefs, and scattered rocky formations. The sandy areas are interspersed with patches of coral, providing a diverse habitat for marine life.

Marine Life

  • Biodiversity: Koala is celebrated for its vibrant marine life. Divers can encounter a wide variety of species, making it a great spot for underwater photography.

  • Corals: The site features both hard and soft corals, with healthy coral gardens that host a variety of marine organisms.
  • Highlights: Key marine species often seen at Koala include:NudibranchsFrogfishPygmy seahorsesMoray eelsPipefishA variety of reef fish such as damselfish, angelfish, and butterflyfishCrustaceans like shrimps and crabsOccasionally, sea turtles and octopuses

Dive Conditions

  • Visibility: Visibility at Koala can vary but generally ranges from 10 to 25 meters (33 to 82 feet). It tends to be better during the dry season.

  • Current: Currents are usually mild, making it an ideal site for beginner divers and those who enjoy leisurely dives. However, current conditions should still be checked before diving.
  • Water Temperature: The water temperature typically ranges from 26°C to 30°C (79°F to 86°F), providing a comfortable diving environment year-round.

Best Time to Dive

  • Season: The best time to dive at Koala is during the dry season, from November to May, when the seas are calmer, and visibility is optimal.

  • Weather: Diving is feasible year-round, but the rainy season (June to October) may bring rougher seas and decreased visibility.

Safety and Recommendations

  • Experience Level: Koala is suitable for divers of all levels, from beginners to advanced. Due to the typically mild currents and shallow areas, it is a good site for training and leisurely dives.

  • Guided Dives: Diving with a local guide is recommended to enhance the experience and ensure safety, as they are familiar with the site’s conditions and marine life.
  • Conservation: Divers should practice eco-friendly diving by avoiding touching corals and disturbing marine life. This helps in preserving the delicate underwater ecosystem.

Unique Features

  • Macro Photography: Koala is particularly known for its excellent opportunities for macro photography, with many small and interesting creatures to be found in the sandy and coral areas.

  • Training Site: The site’s conditions make it a popular choice for dive training and certification courses, including open water and advanced open water training.
  • Night Dives: Koala is also a great spot for night dives, where divers can see nocturnal marine life and experience a different aspect of the underwater environment.

Koala is a versatile and richly populated dive site in Mabini, Batangas, offering a diverse range of marine life and suitable conditions for divers of all skill levels. Its proximity to Anilao and the excellent underwater biodiversity make it a must-visit site for any diving enthusiast exploring the area.